Breastfeeding is a fairly complex process. Therefore, first recognize breast anatomy as described below:
Is the dark area surrounding the nipple. Areola consists of small glands called Montgomery's glands, which produce oily liquids to maintain healthy skin around the areola.
Is producing milk bag number in the millions. The hormone prolactin affect the alveoli cells to produce breast milk.
Lactiferous ducts
Is a small channel that serves to channel milk from the alveoli into the lactiferous sinus.
Lactiferous sinus
Also referred to as the ampulla. ASI is a broad channel and form a sac around aerola, which serves to store breast milk.
Fat tissue
Fatty tissue around the alveoli and lactiferous ducts determine how big the size of the breast. Breast size big or small have the alveoli and sinus laktiferusyang same, so it can produce the same amount of milk. Around the alveoli also found that smooth muscle will contract and squeeze out the milk. The presence of the hormone oxytocin causes the muscle to contract.
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