Little Fever? Do not Panic!

What is a fever?
Fever is the body temperature increases from the normal temperature is 36 to 37.5 degrees Celsius. Fever is the body's defense mechanism against attack small bacteria and viruses. Actually, the body can fight the infection itself if the temperature rises. That's why parents need not panic if Little had a fever and behavior of your baby or toddler does not menunujukkan changes. He remains active play, want to drink and eat. So do not panic and you do not need to give him febrifuge. Just let the body works naturally.

When called a fever?
Baby fever is said if the body temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius. Under normal circumstances, body temperature was regulated by the central regulator of body temperature in parts of the brain (hypothalamus). If the ambient temperature rises or falls, the body will send signals to the central regulator of body temperature to adjust to these conditions.

Adjustment process that will "show" a specific mechanism. For example, the air around the cold, the blood vessels will constrict to reduce body heat expenditure. If this happens to your baby, usually he will start to shiver. Muscle contraction is a process to generate heat.
Conversely, if the hot air outside, widening blood vessels and sweat glands will be working to remove the moisture. That way, the body temperature will decrease again.

How do I measure a fever?
Manual methods that may still be used for the parents until now is to put the back of his hand on the forehead, hands, or feet. Though these measures are not accurate. The proper way is to use a thermometer. Measurements taken in the rectum / anus is a measurement of body temperature that have a high degree of accuracy, because in this area that most closely approximates actual body temperature. In addition to the anal area, the thermometer can also be placed in the armpits, mouth, forehead, or ears. Little Measure body temperature 3 hours or 1 hour to find out once and record the temperature changes.

Kok body temperature up and down?
Fever reliever drugs only lowered body temperature for a while and not to kill the germs that cause infection. This condition usually lasts up to seven days. So do not be surprised if Little temperature rose again and fell again. This is because the infection has not completely healed. Giving antibiotics to fight infections that a doctor can usually make the body temperature returned to normal within 48 hours.

How to reduce body temperature?
Compress is one of efforts to lower body temperature, Kompreslah the right way is to use warm water because warm water helps peripheral blood vessels in the skin thus widening opens the pores and facilitate the release of heat from the body. Misconceptions in the way of compresses is to use cold water, ice water, or ice cubes. These methods rather than lowering the body temperature but instead triggers an increase in body temperature, because cold water causes peripheral blood vessels shrink so that heat to the skin so the blood flowed unobstructed. Cloth compresses can be placed on the forehead, abdomen, neck, armpits, groin, or thigh folds.

In addition to using compresses, can also kangaroo method to lower body temperature Little. Little body attached to the mother's body, so that Little was in the arms or the arms of his mother.

Can children covered fever?
Avoid covering Little who had fever or a thick dressing like a jacket or tight clothing that can increase body temperature. We recommend using a thin and loose-fitting clothing, which can absorb sweat so that Little did not feel comfortable and swelter.

Dehydration due to fever
Fever force the body to remove more fluid. If Little less fluid intake can cause dehydration. Therefore a lot of foods that contain water, such as vegetables and fruits contains a great deal of water must still be given. If Little is still consumed milk, give milk as often as possible. If many of the incoming fluid will be plenty of fluids are also issued through the urine. This is one way to lower body temperature.

Little bathing permissible when the fever?
Bathroom very highly recommended for those who are experiencing a fever. But the water used should be water warm, not cold water. That way the body so fresh and comfortable. After bathing, dry the body with a towel and immediately changed clothes to avoid freezing.

Give drugs or go to the doctor when the fever?
If Little fever and still be able to perform usual activities, we need not directly give him medicine. Drugs can be administered when body temperature exceeded more than 38 degrees Celsius according to dose. But if Little looked lethargic, seizures, difficulty breathing, appear red or blue spots on the hands, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat appear in infants aged under three months, or had prolonged fever that is three consecutive days, immediately take it to doctor.

Increasing Role for Little Daddy

Every father has a different pattern in educating their children:
1. Dad acts like a mother,
2. Stay-at-home fathers
3. My father shared the task with the mother in educating children
4. Fathers in unhappy marriage
5. Fathers are less involved in educating children if divorced, never married or living apart.

In educating children is usually the father's role has always taught awareness of manhood. There is some influence of fathers against children such as:
1. In family welfare
2. Intellectual development for children
3. Ability to think strategically
4. Of social competence
5. Motor coordination in children?
6. Academic achievement
7. Child education
8. Jobs children

Dad can transmit positive values to children such as:

Involved in activities with the children
1. Play
2. Feeding
3. Teach
4. Discussion

Many "accessing" child
1. Meet
2. Phone
3. Via other technologies

1. Involved child care
2. Come to think of education children
3. Help ensure the health of children
4. Participate worry

One thing to keep in mind that the key to making a father really involved in child support is a good relationship with the mother of the child.

Preventing & Overcoming Blues Baby Syndrome

Preventing & Overcoming Blues Baby Syndrome

Postpartum syndrome is often found on post-delivery process. Many of the moms who do not know the meaning of postpartum syndrome itself and how the psychological impact on mother, child & family around him.

Postpartum syndrome is a condition experienced mild depression after the birth mother. How symptoms or anything that is common? Labile mood, irritability / sad, often suddenly shed a tear, feel less affection toward children, usually occurs three to four days after birth.

There are three stages of the baby blues syndrome:
  1. Baby blues syndrome, is still in the stage of mild to moderate symptoms & still be handled.
  2. Postpartum depression, one level of the baby blues syndrome and need prevention as early as possible before entering into the stage of postpartum psychosis.
  3. Postpartum psychosis, should be dealt with as if it will not endanger the safety for the mother and her children.

The cause of postpartum syndrome is a hormonal factors, lack of understanding the process of pregnancy / childbirth, and lack of family support factors. Then anyone who is likely to experience postpartum syndrome of these, namely:
1. Someone who has had previous depression
2. Often have PMS (premenstrual syndrome) severe enough
3. Having a troubled marriage
4. Not having friends / family who support / help
5. Experienced problems during pregnancy and childbirth
6. Experienced other psychological disorders
7. Not breast feeding
8. Smoke
9. Lack of confidence
10. Easily worried
11. Experiencing high stress in their lives
12. Babies that are too difficult
13. Single parent
14. Low socioeconomic status,
15. Pregnancy was not planned / desired.

So what if the state simply allowed to postpartum syndrome? The risks will endanger yourself and others and this can occur anytime within a period of several months or several years later, for example, just to drown the child, the child was burned, etc. (already in the stage of postpartum psychosis). Then how can I fix this:
1. A time to rest
2. Eat healthy foods
3. Search help
4. Delegate some tasks
5. Calm yourself
6. No need to be SUPERMOM
7. Find an acquaintance who might be asked
8. Consultation with a psychologist / psychiatrist / physician.

And as a good husband, your husband can help overcome the baby blues syndrome in the following manner:
  1. Talk
  2. Listening complained kesahnya
  3. Do not patronize
  4. Let your wife to rest
  5. Show your support for the various household duties / child care
  6. Prepare healthy meals for her
  7. Do not be forced to complete his duties, patient, and always remind her that she has many positive qualities.

Then the other information is in the process of breastfeeding, women are often less passionate and less satisfied in an intimate relationship with her husband. This happens because the biological changes experienced. Decreased estrogen production that reduced vaginal lubrication. High prolactin levels with decreased testosterone levels, so the excitement is reduced. The need has been met by the process of being touched breastfeeding. Mother and fatigue due to the responsibility of feeding and caring for a baby.


Some facts breastfeeding:
  1. Mother breast will produce milk according to baby's needs. Little more often suck breast milk, the production of milk, she will be growing.
  2. Feeding distance is different for every baby. Some babies feed every two hours. The rest every hour.
  3. Frequency of breastfeeding more often than formula milk. Breastfed babies seem hungry more often than babies who drink formula milk. This occurs because breast milk is more easily digested Little body.

Some preparations of breast-feeding mother can do:
  1. The first Ensure Small in a state ready to be fed.
  2. If Little sleep, wake to touch her cheek. Usually he would look toward the touch. With whom he spoke when he opened his eyes, let a few minutes until he actually got up and ready to drink.
  3. When my mother was changing diapers, Little sometimes wake up and ask to be fed.
  4. Do not let Little feeling of hunger, for fussy babies can complicate breastfeeding.

Some technical nursing
Take a comfortable position to nurse my mother now. Mom can sit or lie down. Usually Women who undergo delivery by cesarean section, more comfortable nursing in a position lying on his side. Align the baby's mouth with her nipple.
1. If mother and baby lying down, use pillows to prop Little reached the nipple.
2. If mother and baby seat, attach the stomach with a tummy.

Avoid breastfeeding while doing other activities that can make her attention was split. Mother can massage the nipple to breast out a little about the baby's lips. Once exposed to breast milk, usually opens her tiny lips and ready to breastfeed.

Mother, let the baby suckle the full. Generally milk consumed during the first five minutes, the rest of the baby will suck for comfort.

Breastfeed your baby on both breasts each time nursing. But what if the new Little asleep when sucking one breast? Mom does not need to wake her because maybe she had had enough.

Some newborns can directly asleep while feeding. This happens because he has not fully recovered from the exhausting process of birth.

Originally Initiation of early lactating

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) to increase the success of six months exclusive breastfeeding and duration of breastfeeding up to two years.

IMD is part of the delivery process where the babies were born within one hour the first kelhidupannya (without being bathed) ditengkupkan directly above the mother's stomach and left to struggle to find the nipple of the mother to breastfeed. So, after the baby's umbilical cord is cut, it will be dried, then placed on the chest to suck her nipples (early contacts). Babies will crawl toward the breast and suckle their own (the breast crawl).

Generally, at the age of 50 minutes and without assistance, the baby managed to find a breast (with the instinct of smell) and sucking the nipple. After that, the process continues by allowing the IMD is still breast-feeding babies for at least half an hour. Just then the baby is separated from the mother to be weighed, the seal, and cleaned.

Basically, every mother who gave birth to normal babies with normal conditions (no preterm or low birth weight is not) can do the IMD. In fact, babies born at fault too IMD can be done, but it was his theory that 50% will be successful. The important thing my mother had to believe in themselves. My father also has to support enabling successful mother lived.

Breastfeeding Preparation

Mental and physical preparation is enough to make the process of feeding is easy and fun.

In addition to nutritious foods and lead a healthy lifestyle, there are three important things to do to be successful breast-feeding mother, namely:

Grow intentions
Intention is the key to success for exclusive breastfeeding for the baby. This intention should have been firmly planted in advance, ie, since the child still in her womb. Mothers should be determined to provide the best food for her baby. With the intention round, I'll think optimistic. From there the form of positive energy that will affect the readiness of all the organs so that breast-feeding was flowing smoothly. If you're sure you can breastfeed, the milk would come out a lot.

Eliminate stress
Throw away all negative thoughts about breastfeeding and lactation. Believe me, every mother would be breastfeeding and the baby will never lack of breastfeeding. On the other hand, she also should not be too eager to give milk, because of this excessive behavior (euphoria) will disrupt the metabolic system so that the milk production of breast milk that came out just a bit. If there is a problem, she advised to consult the clinic lactation.

Do Breast Massage
Breast massage can increase the volume of milk, do it two times a day while bathing in the morning and afternoon. Here's a guide:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly, drain, then pour oil into the palm of the hand. Chock the left breast with his left hand. Make small circular movements with two-or three-finger right hand, from the base of the breast and ending in the nipple area with a spiral motion. Nipples do not need a massage because no berkelenjar. Then, create a circular motion while pressing the base of the breast and ending on the nipple in all parts of the breast. Do the same for the right breast.
  2. Place the palms of the hands between the two breasts. Sort of middle to atassambil raised both breast and remove both breasts slowly. Perform this exercise approximately 30 times.
  3. Prop left breast with both hands, thumbs on top and four other fingers below. Breast Squeeze gently sliding your hands forward toward the nipple. Do the same thing at the right breast.
  4. Then do the hand movements with parallel position. Prop breast with one hand, while the other hand massage the breast with the little finger side of the base of the breast towards the nipple. Perform this exercise approximately 30 times.
  5. Put one hand on the top and one below the breasts. Launch both hands simultaneously towards the nipple by turning the hand. Repeat this until all the breast affected by the order.
  6. Furthermore, the nipple is cleaned by using cotton and oil. Oil is useful for flex and moisturize your nipples to nipples when breastfeeding was not easy to blister. Clean with a clean cotton dipped in warm water.
  7. After the massage, do the compression. Provide two basins are each of warm water and cold water. By using a washcloth, compresses both breasts alternately with cold water, each for one minute. Next, compress alternately over three times in a row and finish with warm water compresses. Clean it with a towel to dry.
  8. After the massage, tap-tap of breast using fingertips or the tip segment finger. Point in order to work better blood circulation.

Breastfeeding Father

Not the father who breastfeed, but my father who is very supportive.

Actually the process of feeding not only between mothers and infants, but fathers also have a very important role and demanded his involvement. Unfortunately, in the minds of the public, whose name is feeding and nurturing infants is mother's affairs only. Though it is not so. The success of breast-feeding and child care is the result of collaboration between mother, baby and father.

So, in order to process current breastfeeding, breastfeeding is needed father, that father can help mothers to breastfeed comfortably so that the milk produced maximum. There are many practical things that can be a father in caring for breastfeeding their babies everyday. Such as helping the baby and give it to mom when she wants to nurse, then helping baby burp afterwards. Father help bathing, changing diapers, and massage, baby every day, and ask him to play. My father is also expected to help with household work.

Thus, the mother can rest happy enough because his heart and his mind was calm, which ultimately affects the production of milk, so much more. Know, milk production was 80-90% determined by how the mother's emotional state. This is where the great father's position as a breastfeeding father role. Now, in order to father more and understand how to provide support to mothers, are encouraged to actively learn about breastfeeding.

With the pattern of care which also involves the role of this father, will give you a very good fabric between mothers, fathers, and babies. Little else will grow up healthy, strong and intelligent.

Always Drive Safe

Did you know when the pregnancy was a woman still allowed to drive the course there are things that need attention, such as sitting position and the position of the steering wheel, among others:
1. Distance of 20-30 cm from the steering wheel (as driver)
2. The position of the hands remained in the normal range of steering wheel
3. For a car that has the Air Bag in the steering wheel, steering wheel hand position on the hours 9:00 and 15:00 hours
4. A short distance to the dash board / with a chair in front of it when sitting in the middle seat / back (as passengers)

For those of you who travel brings with it a baby, then keep in mind the basic guideline Child Seat, namely:
1. Always place in the backseat of Child Seat
2. Child Seat who choose according to their age & weight of your child, and who fit the car you use
- Baby Seat: for babies from birth up to 12 months, until 12 kg weight
- Infant Seat: for children ages 12 months - 4 years old, weighs 9 kg - 18 kg
- Booster Seat: for children aged 4 years - 6 years, weight 15 kg - 25 kg
- Booster Cushion: for children aged 6 years - 11 years old, weight 22 kg - 36 kg
3. Ensure Child Seat is properly bound in the center seat / rear
4. Make sure the safety belt is properly locked and tied child seat

Breast Anatomy

Breastfeeding is a fairly complex process. Therefore, first recognize breast anatomy as described below:

Is the dark area surrounding the nipple. Areola consists of small glands called Montgomery's glands, which produce oily liquids to maintain healthy skin around the areola.

Is producing milk bag number in the millions. The hormone prolactin affect the alveoli cells to produce breast milk.

Lactiferous ducts
Is a small channel that serves to channel milk from the alveoli into the lactiferous sinus.

Lactiferous sinus
Also referred to as the ampulla. ASI is a broad channel and form a sac around aerola, which serves to store breast milk.

Fat tissue
Fatty tissue around the alveoli and lactiferous ducts determine how big the size of the breast. Breast size big or small have the alveoli and sinus laktiferusyang same, so it can produce the same amount of milk. Around the alveoli also found that smooth muscle will contract and squeeze out the milk. The presence of the hormone oxytocin causes the muscle to contract.

Mother, Do not Believe Myths

Know, one of the obstacles to breast-feeding mother is belief in the myth. In fact, a myth whose name can not be verified. So do not believe the myth, yes, ma'am!

Here are some myths that are often revised the "haunt" the mother breast-feeding:

1. Breast milk should not be discarded the first day.
Breast milk out on the first day until day 7 (called colostrum / milk jolong) contain albumen (protein) levels are high, particularly anti-infective substance / immunity (immunoglobulins), while levels of lactose (carbohydrate) and low fat so easy to digest. Thus, if colostrum is clear yellowish color is removed, the baby is not or less get a substances that protect them from infection.
2. No need to add the liquid on the first day when the milk has not come out.
Many have difficulty breast-feeding mother in the first day and complained about his mother's milk can not get out. But not to worry because on the first day, the baby has not actually need a liquid so it does not need to be given other fluids before breastfeeding out.
3. Do not dispose of the first blast in the morning.
Some people think milk is spoiled. There is no stale milk for breast milk was still in the Mother. Fluid milk is like the blood that contains living microorganisms. Another thing is when you're on an open area of more than eight hours, this living being will die, and cause breast milk becomes stale and no longer deserve to be consumed. But during the milk still on her breast, whenever Mom would give, and sterilized milk always remains fresh

4. No need to discard the first milk after the blast to travel outside the home.
ASI is always clean and sterile, even if Mom had just finished cleaning the house or doing a walk in the mall. ASI continues to renew itself so that if breastfeeding is not terminum, will be absorbed by the body and will form a new breast milk given to Little.
5. The more often milk is given, the more milk produced.
Milk production increased along with the sucking motion. Conversely, if terminated, milk production was gradually reduced. That is why, give milk or Express on a regular basis.
6. Regarding color and clarity do not expect the same breast as good as the white and milk cans.
If breast milk is produced thin, cloudy, and yellow, does not mean bad quality. ASI color depending on what you eat also of the Mother. If Mom eats a lot of protein, then the color is a bit murky. Do not worry, it's okay.
7. ASI does not make babies obesity.
Infants who received breast milk properly, generally larger, especially in the first six months, but that does not mean he was overweight or obese. So keep giving exclusive breastfeeding until six months. Breastfeeding can be continued until children aged 2 years. Know breastfeeding until the age of two years to meet the third requirement of calories, one third of protein needs, 45% requirement of vitamin A and 90% requirement of vitamin C.
8. It does not matter if the baby is only feeding on one breast.
Mother may be offered to the baby nursing at the breast who have not smoked, with no force.
9. There is no time limit on breastfeeding.
Little let that determine how long she breastfed. Little need not worry because she would not breastfeed their needs are met only briefly. Little could be thirsty and not hungry. Did not know he was hungry or thirsty, just my own? If thirsty, he'll suck for a while, but if she is hungry, she will breastfeed until getting hindmilk more fat and carbs so that the filling.
10. ASI does not damage the baby's skin.
Babies have the skin disease or atopic dermatitis is often called dermatitis, which usually attacks the cheek area. But the cause is not breastfeeding or the result of skin contact with liquid milk, but there had been such skin disorders in infants. This skin disorder associated with an innate sensitivity of infants (= atopic). Usually occurs in children who have a history of nasal allergy keluargaeksim and is often marked by frequent sneezing (rhinitis). If not treated immediately, the skin will darken and harden.
11. Drops of breastmilk on infant penis does not cause the baby is impotent.
ASI will not cause any disease or constraints Little baby. In developed countries, during breastfeeding, it is recommended that infants can be naked so that her skin is directly in contact with the skin of my mother. Mother encouraged stroking the entire baby's body, especially the five senses to train the sensory sensitivity. Research shows that breast-feeding mother, stroking her baby's body, without her doing anything else, just focus on the baby, what? D antibody Little increase to 80%.
12. Insufficient breast milk intake of all food and beverage needs of the baby until the baby is six months old.
ata average fluid requirement of infants in the first week 80-100ml/kg per day, and increased to 140-160 m / kg at the age of 3-6 months. All were quite satisfied with just breast milk. Even for a super greedy though.
13. Babies do not have to breastfeed on one breast.
Generally, infants chose one breast. Only, to my mother in cosmetics is not good because the breast is often smoked will be bigger. To overcome this, who rarely smoked breast dipersa infants should be better so that they both worked or used.

Contraception For Nursing Mothers

Exclusive breastfeeding is one contraceptive method, if done correctly. The trick: if the baby is six months old yet, she is not menstruating again, and babies get only breast milk only. If conditions are not met, then consider other contraceptive usage, so that during lactation you feel safe to have sex.

Non-hormonal methods

1. Condom
Is a tool used by the male contraceptive, is effective in inhibiting pregnancy if used correctly.
2. Diaphragm
Often called a condom for women, has some size. Use unkuran that fits you.
3. Spermicides
Function to kill sperm, overcoming vaginal dryness that can cause pain during intercourse. In some people (male or female) may cause irritation.
4. IUD
Better known as a spiral. Safe, cheap and very effective, because it can be used up to five years. Levonogestrel copper and hormonal substances released by the IUD in the uterus does not interfere with milk production.
5. Sterilization of fallopian tubes
Drugs given during sterilization, can get into breast milk and inhaled by the baby. We recommend that, before the sterilization process carried out, dairy and store breast milk to be used until about 24 hours when the sterilization process carried out.

Hormonal methods
1. Mini-pill
Called as a method of synthetic progesterone hormone. This method would be effective if used Mother breastfeeding, because lactation process itself has been reduced fertility.
2. Combination pill
Using the hormones estrogen and progesterone. More effective than the mini pill. Breastfeeding mothers should use these pills in low doses. But there are doctors who do not advocate the use of these pills for fear of estrogen contained in the pills may reduce milk production.
3. Implant
Known as the KB implant, containing hormones levonogestrel. How to use ditusukan in the skin of her upper arm.
4. injection
Not interfere with breastfeeding because they contain progesterone.

Overcoming Childbirth Pain

Overcoming Childbirth Pain

In addition to overcoming the pain felt in the lower abdomen, often the mother's back pain. The latter is used because the baby's head is pressing the spine along his journey out of the womb during the birth canal.
Eraser difficult birth process in the release of the pain that always accompanies it. Why am I seeing this pain? Apparently, the pain comes from the movement of labor (contractions) who tried to remove the uterus the baby out. So, this pain had to be there so the baby can come out smoothly and safely.

Why there is pain in labor?
1. Motion's uterine contractions cause the muscles lining of the uterus to shrink, squeezing the blood vessels.
2. Vagina (birth canal) and surrounding soft tissue stretching, so painful.
3. The mother's mental state (fear, anxiety, worry or tension), and the hormone prostaglandin increases in response to stress.

To overcome the pain when
This labor, try to apply the following tips:
1. During contractions, try to take a position like crawling on the mat. This position reduces the pressure of the baby's head against your spine. In this crawling position. Straighten tanggan and back. When contraction selaesai, put lots of pillows for your head menyanga. And when the contractions started again, get rid of those pillows so you can crawl back in position again.
2. Ask your partner to massage your lower back, or your back menggompres with warm water between contraction time. Use talk or petroleum jelly as a lubricant when massaging.
3. Move continues between each contraction. This will help you to cope with pain during childbirth. When contractions, choose the most comfortable position.
4. Hold it straight back position, whether standing, sitting, or any other position. Point to the baby's head stays in the cervix well, so that contractions occur more powerful and effective.
5. Concentrate on your breathing, to soothe and reduce pain.
6. Sing or speak when the pain comes to release your pain. However, do not be too hard to not waste energy that you need when spending later.
7. Concentrate on each contraction. Do not think about pain or fear for the next contraction. Try to see the contractions as waves that must be followed to achieve the expenditure of the baby.
8. Urinate as often as possible so that urine is not blocking content when contraction.
9. If necessary, you can ask the epidural anesthetic to reduce pain. Epidural is anesthesia to reduce pain by creating a temporary numbness in the nerves of the lower body. Epidural should be given sparingly, so that the 2nd stage of labor (ie expenditure stage baby), anesthesia was already gone. If the anesthesia does not disappear in the 2nd stage, then the baby could be spending more time and may be done episotomi (cutting of the vagina so that baby's way out wider) or to the aids used forceps to deliver babies.

Fault operations when needed, vacuum, or forceps
Sometimes, delivery to meet the inevitable obstacles. For example, when pangul mother is too small to pass the baby, or baby is too big, and so on. At that time, needed help so labor can continue and the baby could be born safely. The most commonly used is the delivery by vacuum, forceps, or fault.

Forceps a metal tool resembling a spoon. The difference with the vacuum, forceps extraction can be done without depending on the power mothers, so can be done even if the mother does not push (eg poisoning during pregnancy, asthma, or heart disease). Forceps delivery with relatively more risky and difficult to do, but also sometimes had to be done especially if the condition of mother and child is not good.

The operation is labor in which the fetus at birth malalui an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus. Today, many people choose to give birth through the fault because he thought it easier and painless. Actually not, because in addition to severe pain often occur after oprasi completed, the operation fault was not always easy to do and risk-free. Complications that can arise among organs equipment in ronga pangul after surgery, or the fetal nervous system disorders due to use of drugs anestasi (anesthetic). Therefore, the fault should be done when absolutely necessary, such as fetal really can not be born through the birth canal (for example pangul narrow, the fetus is too large, low placental location, etc.), or there is an emergency that needs immediate delivery.

Vacuum is a kind of vacuum (negative-pressure vacuum extractor) is used to help the baby. Labor by using the vacuum is usually called exstrasi vacuum. Vacuum helps provide additional power to remove the baby, and is usually used when labor had lasted too long and the mother was too tired and no longer strong meneran. Way, a tool shaped like a vacuum suction with a rubber cup attached to the baby's head had appeared in the birth canal. After the head was attached to the vacuum cup, made in conjunction with the pull of his / twitching movements. Thus slowly be born baby. After the use of vacuum, usually the baby's head looks a little bump, it is only natural due to vacuum suction, and will go away later. Since the vacuum is done by straining the assistance of the mother, this method is usually not done when the mother is not allowed to push because certain medical conditions (such as pregnancy or poisoning suffered severe asthma).

Disturbance In Childbirth Process
Although generally normal, sometimes there are obstacles to meet delivery / disorders. Disruption during the birth process is often found distosia, placental disruption expenses, and injuries in the birth canal.
Distosia (difficult childbirth)
Distosia or difficult deliveries and could not continue to result from the inadequacy of his mother's strength, abnormal fetal position (eg breech), the fetus is too large, or the mother's birth canal defects (such as the pelvis is too narrow). Usually the doctor will try to help with the vacuum, pliers, or fault.

Placental disruption expenses
If distosia happens in labor 1 and 2, then the new placental disruption occurs expenditures stage 3. Although arises when the baby is born, this disorder can not be taken lightly. Disturbances in placental expenses (such as the placenta does not come out perfect, or bleeding after the placenta came out too much) can cause postpartum bleeding (P3) is known as one of the causes of maternal death most often. Because of that, the doctors and midwives had been watching a new mother who gave birth to it carefully, so that these problems do not occur. Placental disorders such as expenditure kontrasi uterus is not good enough, regardless of the placenta is only partially or in part in the cavity behind the uterus, or blood clotting disorder due to the mother.

Wound in the birth canal
The wound in the birth canal may arise during the process of birth. For example the vagina (birth canal) had a tear, bruising or swelling; obstetric hematoma (blood clots due to blood vessel injury due to movement of the fetal head during birth, the blood vessel puncture during local anistesi, etc.); tear the cervix, etc.. If it is not known and is left alone, these wounds can also cause bleeding. Once again, doctors and midwives always check whether the wound in stage 3 or 4, so can the handle (stitched, etc.).

Though apparently harmless, in fact these disturbances are not always met. Throughout the pregnancy check enterprising mothers, eating enough nutritious food, enough rest, not smoking / or drinking alcohol / using drugs, will run a normal birth and the mother immediately cradle baby in good health and happiness.

Stage labor

Stage labor

Stage 1: a phase of maturation / dilation of the cervix
Early stage of labor begins once the existing pambukaan cervix (known from the examination by a doctor or midwife) from HIS. His or painful uterine contractions in labor is slowly growing pains and frequently, and longer. Since the opening of 0 cm to 3cm, generally pesalinan still running slow (could be up to 8 hours), so this period is also called the latent phase. After that until the full opening usually go faster. Overall this phase lasted until the full opening is achieved (approximately 10 cm), and then entered the stage of labor 2. This stage usually go on longer on the birth of first child (can be up to 20 hours) than the next child's birth.

Today, his is very strong, more often, and longer than before. Mom will feel the need very strong twitch and no longer can be held. Your doctor or midwife will begin to lead meneran mother. Way, the mother lies on her back in a position atu tilted sideways, his arms embracing his knees folded, Kapala and eyes looked toward the abdomen. With the emergence of his mother meneran / push flat-out, and stop / rest during his stop. With this tightened labor, fetal slowly pushed out of the womb until the head started to look at the mouth of the birth canal. Sometimes, in order to become more fluent delivery, doctors need to do opisiotomi (widen the birth canal by way of cut). Slowly push the energy along the mother, the head of the fetus will be born, which was immediately followed by the body and limbs. After all born, the umbilical cord will be cut. After that, the baby immediately dried and warmed, and examined (respiratory, skin color, heart rate, crying and movement) to ensure healthy babies.

Stage 3: Placental spending phase
5-15 minutes after the baby is born, the uterus will contract (feels sick). This pain usually indicates perlekatannya abruptio placenta from the uterus. This is usually accompanied Perlepasan new bleeding. After that, the placenta will come out (was born) through the birth canal, either automatically or with the help of your doctor or midwife. After that the placenta will be checked to ensure it was born full (if there is placental tissue is left in the uterus, bleeding can occur).

After delivery is complete and the placenta was born, the mother is usually still resting in the delivery room until 1 hour after birth. Point that a doctor or midwife can monitor the mother's condition so that no complications arise such as postpartum hemorrhage.

Prenatal examination

Prenatal examination

Before and during labor, the mother should be accompanied by a doctor or an experienced midwife. Thus all stages of labor can be passed safely and all the problems of bias arising quickly recognized and treated.

At the onset of labor is usually the mother will be guided to the delivery room and there made preparations such as urinating / large for the birth process more smoothly. After that the doctor will perform some routine tests, like checking the mother's abdomen to determine fetal position, uterine contractions force observation (his) with a street feel the top of the uterus (approximately above the navel), and the baby's heartbeat observation tools such as binoculars through which affixed to the mother's abdomen (called a tool laennec) or electronically using the Doppler. Do not forget to check the doctor to find out the condition of the opening of the cervix, had pecahkah membranes, the position of the birth mother (if possible to do a normal delivery). After all the tests done and found no abnormalities, the mother is left to rest, could he lay (usually recommended sloping sides which lie back of the fetus is so much faster delivery, and prevent the suppression of blood vessels in the abdomen of the mother by the fetus that can disrupt blood flow) from time to time doctor / midwife will repeat the above examination that the complete opening and it was time delivery. Remember, before the full opening (which will be revealed by a midwife with signaled start meneran) PROHIBITED mother straining / meneran.

Recognizing the signs of the birth of baby

Recognizing the signs of the birth of baby
Common perception is generally equated with the beginning of the birth pains of childbirth. But sometimes the pain was not immediately appear, although the birth process has begun, so please note the signs of other labor is mainly found between the capillary and the shift of the membranes in the uterine wall.
  • out mucus mixed with blood from the birth canal, This mucus discharge occurs due to the release of mucus clots during pregnancy accumulate around the cervix, followed by the opening of the blood vessels
  • depletion and cervical pendataran, (can only be known through examination by a doctor or midwife). Cervix will open up to 10 cm, at the time the fetus can usually be born.
  • spontaneous rupture, amniotic fluid followed by a clear and smells a little fishy. Mother may feel like a sudden wetting, if the membranes have ruptured at once hospital / midwife. If left too long feared possible harmful infections both mother and fetus.