Little Fever? Do not Panic!

What is a fever?
Fever is the body temperature increases from the normal temperature is 36 to 37.5 degrees Celsius. Fever is the body's defense mechanism against attack small bacteria and viruses. Actually, the body can fight the infection itself if the temperature rises. That's why parents need not panic if Little had a fever and behavior of your baby or toddler does not menunujukkan changes. He remains active play, want to drink and eat. So do not panic and you do not need to give him febrifuge. Just let the body works naturally.

When called a fever?
Baby fever is said if the body temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius. Under normal circumstances, body temperature was regulated by the central regulator of body temperature in parts of the brain (hypothalamus). If the ambient temperature rises or falls, the body will send signals to the central regulator of body temperature to adjust to these conditions.

Adjustment process that will "show" a specific mechanism. For example, the air around the cold, the blood vessels will constrict to reduce body heat expenditure. If this happens to your baby, usually he will start to shiver. Muscle contraction is a process to generate heat.
Conversely, if the hot air outside, widening blood vessels and sweat glands will be working to remove the moisture. That way, the body temperature will decrease again.

How do I measure a fever?
Manual methods that may still be used for the parents until now is to put the back of his hand on the forehead, hands, or feet. Though these measures are not accurate. The proper way is to use a thermometer. Measurements taken in the rectum / anus is a measurement of body temperature that have a high degree of accuracy, because in this area that most closely approximates actual body temperature. In addition to the anal area, the thermometer can also be placed in the armpits, mouth, forehead, or ears. Little Measure body temperature 3 hours or 1 hour to find out once and record the temperature changes.

Kok body temperature up and down?
Fever reliever drugs only lowered body temperature for a while and not to kill the germs that cause infection. This condition usually lasts up to seven days. So do not be surprised if Little temperature rose again and fell again. This is because the infection has not completely healed. Giving antibiotics to fight infections that a doctor can usually make the body temperature returned to normal within 48 hours.

How to reduce body temperature?
Compress is one of efforts to lower body temperature, Kompreslah the right way is to use warm water because warm water helps peripheral blood vessels in the skin thus widening opens the pores and facilitate the release of heat from the body. Misconceptions in the way of compresses is to use cold water, ice water, or ice cubes. These methods rather than lowering the body temperature but instead triggers an increase in body temperature, because cold water causes peripheral blood vessels shrink so that heat to the skin so the blood flowed unobstructed. Cloth compresses can be placed on the forehead, abdomen, neck, armpits, groin, or thigh folds.

In addition to using compresses, can also kangaroo method to lower body temperature Little. Little body attached to the mother's body, so that Little was in the arms or the arms of his mother.

Can children covered fever?
Avoid covering Little who had fever or a thick dressing like a jacket or tight clothing that can increase body temperature. We recommend using a thin and loose-fitting clothing, which can absorb sweat so that Little did not feel comfortable and swelter.

Dehydration due to fever
Fever force the body to remove more fluid. If Little less fluid intake can cause dehydration. Therefore a lot of foods that contain water, such as vegetables and fruits contains a great deal of water must still be given. If Little is still consumed milk, give milk as often as possible. If many of the incoming fluid will be plenty of fluids are also issued through the urine. This is one way to lower body temperature.

Little bathing permissible when the fever?
Bathroom very highly recommended for those who are experiencing a fever. But the water used should be water warm, not cold water. That way the body so fresh and comfortable. After bathing, dry the body with a towel and immediately changed clothes to avoid freezing.

Give drugs or go to the doctor when the fever?
If Little fever and still be able to perform usual activities, we need not directly give him medicine. Drugs can be administered when body temperature exceeded more than 38 degrees Celsius according to dose. But if Little looked lethargic, seizures, difficulty breathing, appear red or blue spots on the hands, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat appear in infants aged under three months, or had prolonged fever that is three consecutive days, immediately take it to doctor.

Increasing Role for Little Daddy

Every father has a different pattern in educating their children:
1. Dad acts like a mother,
2. Stay-at-home fathers
3. My father shared the task with the mother in educating children
4. Fathers in unhappy marriage
5. Fathers are less involved in educating children if divorced, never married or living apart.

In educating children is usually the father's role has always taught awareness of manhood. There is some influence of fathers against children such as:
1. In family welfare
2. Intellectual development for children
3. Ability to think strategically
4. Of social competence
5. Motor coordination in children?
6. Academic achievement
7. Child education
8. Jobs children

Dad can transmit positive values to children such as:

Involved in activities with the children
1. Play
2. Feeding
3. Teach
4. Discussion

Many "accessing" child
1. Meet
2. Phone
3. Via other technologies

1. Involved child care
2. Come to think of education children
3. Help ensure the health of children
4. Participate worry

One thing to keep in mind that the key to making a father really involved in child support is a good relationship with the mother of the child.

Preventing & Overcoming Blues Baby Syndrome

Preventing & Overcoming Blues Baby Syndrome

Postpartum syndrome is often found on post-delivery process. Many of the moms who do not know the meaning of postpartum syndrome itself and how the psychological impact on mother, child & family around him.

Postpartum syndrome is a condition experienced mild depression after the birth mother. How symptoms or anything that is common? Labile mood, irritability / sad, often suddenly shed a tear, feel less affection toward children, usually occurs three to four days after birth.

There are three stages of the baby blues syndrome:
  1. Baby blues syndrome, is still in the stage of mild to moderate symptoms & still be handled.
  2. Postpartum depression, one level of the baby blues syndrome and need prevention as early as possible before entering into the stage of postpartum psychosis.
  3. Postpartum psychosis, should be dealt with as if it will not endanger the safety for the mother and her children.

The cause of postpartum syndrome is a hormonal factors, lack of understanding the process of pregnancy / childbirth, and lack of family support factors. Then anyone who is likely to experience postpartum syndrome of these, namely:
1. Someone who has had previous depression
2. Often have PMS (premenstrual syndrome) severe enough
3. Having a troubled marriage
4. Not having friends / family who support / help
5. Experienced problems during pregnancy and childbirth
6. Experienced other psychological disorders
7. Not breast feeding
8. Smoke
9. Lack of confidence
10. Easily worried
11. Experiencing high stress in their lives
12. Babies that are too difficult
13. Single parent
14. Low socioeconomic status,
15. Pregnancy was not planned / desired.

So what if the state simply allowed to postpartum syndrome? The risks will endanger yourself and others and this can occur anytime within a period of several months or several years later, for example, just to drown the child, the child was burned, etc. (already in the stage of postpartum psychosis). Then how can I fix this:
1. A time to rest
2. Eat healthy foods
3. Search help
4. Delegate some tasks
5. Calm yourself
6. No need to be SUPERMOM
7. Find an acquaintance who might be asked
8. Consultation with a psychologist / psychiatrist / physician.

And as a good husband, your husband can help overcome the baby blues syndrome in the following manner:
  1. Talk
  2. Listening complained kesahnya
  3. Do not patronize
  4. Let your wife to rest
  5. Show your support for the various household duties / child care
  6. Prepare healthy meals for her
  7. Do not be forced to complete his duties, patient, and always remind her that she has many positive qualities.

Then the other information is in the process of breastfeeding, women are often less passionate and less satisfied in an intimate relationship with her husband. This happens because the biological changes experienced. Decreased estrogen production that reduced vaginal lubrication. High prolactin levels with decreased testosterone levels, so the excitement is reduced. The need has been met by the process of being touched breastfeeding. Mother and fatigue due to the responsibility of feeding and caring for a baby.


Some facts breastfeeding:
  1. Mother breast will produce milk according to baby's needs. Little more often suck breast milk, the production of milk, she will be growing.
  2. Feeding distance is different for every baby. Some babies feed every two hours. The rest every hour.
  3. Frequency of breastfeeding more often than formula milk. Breastfed babies seem hungry more often than babies who drink formula milk. This occurs because breast milk is more easily digested Little body.

Some preparations of breast-feeding mother can do:
  1. The first Ensure Small in a state ready to be fed.
  2. If Little sleep, wake to touch her cheek. Usually he would look toward the touch. With whom he spoke when he opened his eyes, let a few minutes until he actually got up and ready to drink.
  3. When my mother was changing diapers, Little sometimes wake up and ask to be fed.
  4. Do not let Little feeling of hunger, for fussy babies can complicate breastfeeding.

Some technical nursing
Take a comfortable position to nurse my mother now. Mom can sit or lie down. Usually Women who undergo delivery by cesarean section, more comfortable nursing in a position lying on his side. Align the baby's mouth with her nipple.
1. If mother and baby lying down, use pillows to prop Little reached the nipple.
2. If mother and baby seat, attach the stomach with a tummy.

Avoid breastfeeding while doing other activities that can make her attention was split. Mother can massage the nipple to breast out a little about the baby's lips. Once exposed to breast milk, usually opens her tiny lips and ready to breastfeed.

Mother, let the baby suckle the full. Generally milk consumed during the first five minutes, the rest of the baby will suck for comfort.

Breastfeed your baby on both breasts each time nursing. But what if the new Little asleep when sucking one breast? Mom does not need to wake her because maybe she had had enough.

Some newborns can directly asleep while feeding. This happens because he has not fully recovered from the exhausting process of birth.

Originally Initiation of early lactating

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) to increase the success of six months exclusive breastfeeding and duration of breastfeeding up to two years.

IMD is part of the delivery process where the babies were born within one hour the first kelhidupannya (without being bathed) ditengkupkan directly above the mother's stomach and left to struggle to find the nipple of the mother to breastfeed. So, after the baby's umbilical cord is cut, it will be dried, then placed on the chest to suck her nipples (early contacts). Babies will crawl toward the breast and suckle their own (the breast crawl).

Generally, at the age of 50 minutes and without assistance, the baby managed to find a breast (with the instinct of smell) and sucking the nipple. After that, the process continues by allowing the IMD is still breast-feeding babies for at least half an hour. Just then the baby is separated from the mother to be weighed, the seal, and cleaned.

Basically, every mother who gave birth to normal babies with normal conditions (no preterm or low birth weight is not) can do the IMD. In fact, babies born at fault too IMD can be done, but it was his theory that 50% will be successful. The important thing my mother had to believe in themselves. My father also has to support enabling successful mother lived.