Overcoming Childbirth Pain

Overcoming Childbirth Pain

In addition to overcoming the pain felt in the lower abdomen, often the mother's back pain. The latter is used because the baby's head is pressing the spine along his journey out of the womb during the birth canal.
Eraser difficult birth process in the release of the pain that always accompanies it. Why am I seeing this pain? Apparently, the pain comes from the movement of labor (contractions) who tried to remove the uterus the baby out. So, this pain had to be there so the baby can come out smoothly and safely.

Why there is pain in labor?
1. Motion's uterine contractions cause the muscles lining of the uterus to shrink, squeezing the blood vessels.
2. Vagina (birth canal) and surrounding soft tissue stretching, so painful.
3. The mother's mental state (fear, anxiety, worry or tension), and the hormone prostaglandin increases in response to stress.

To overcome the pain when
This labor, try to apply the following tips:
1. During contractions, try to take a position like crawling on the mat. This position reduces the pressure of the baby's head against your spine. In this crawling position. Straighten tanggan and back. When contraction selaesai, put lots of pillows for your head menyanga. And when the contractions started again, get rid of those pillows so you can crawl back in position again.
2. Ask your partner to massage your lower back, or your back menggompres with warm water between contraction time. Use talk or petroleum jelly as a lubricant when massaging.
3. Move continues between each contraction. This will help you to cope with pain during childbirth. When contractions, choose the most comfortable position.
4. Hold it straight back position, whether standing, sitting, or any other position. Point to the baby's head stays in the cervix well, so that contractions occur more powerful and effective.
5. Concentrate on your breathing, to soothe and reduce pain.
6. Sing or speak when the pain comes to release your pain. However, do not be too hard to not waste energy that you need when spending later.
7. Concentrate on each contraction. Do not think about pain or fear for the next contraction. Try to see the contractions as waves that must be followed to achieve the expenditure of the baby.
8. Urinate as often as possible so that urine is not blocking content when contraction.
9. If necessary, you can ask the epidural anesthetic to reduce pain. Epidural is anesthesia to reduce pain by creating a temporary numbness in the nerves of the lower body. Epidural should be given sparingly, so that the 2nd stage of labor (ie expenditure stage baby), anesthesia was already gone. If the anesthesia does not disappear in the 2nd stage, then the baby could be spending more time and may be done episotomi (cutting of the vagina so that baby's way out wider) or to the aids used forceps to deliver babies.

Fault operations when needed, vacuum, or forceps
Sometimes, delivery to meet the inevitable obstacles. For example, when pangul mother is too small to pass the baby, or baby is too big, and so on. At that time, needed help so labor can continue and the baby could be born safely. The most commonly used is the delivery by vacuum, forceps, or fault.

Forceps a metal tool resembling a spoon. The difference with the vacuum, forceps extraction can be done without depending on the power mothers, so can be done even if the mother does not push (eg poisoning during pregnancy, asthma, or heart disease). Forceps delivery with relatively more risky and difficult to do, but also sometimes had to be done especially if the condition of mother and child is not good.

The operation is labor in which the fetus at birth malalui an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus. Today, many people choose to give birth through the fault because he thought it easier and painless. Actually not, because in addition to severe pain often occur after oprasi completed, the operation fault was not always easy to do and risk-free. Complications that can arise among organs equipment in ronga pangul after surgery, or the fetal nervous system disorders due to use of drugs anestasi (anesthetic). Therefore, the fault should be done when absolutely necessary, such as fetal really can not be born through the birth canal (for example pangul narrow, the fetus is too large, low placental location, etc.), or there is an emergency that needs immediate delivery.

Vacuum is a kind of vacuum (negative-pressure vacuum extractor) is used to help the baby. Labor by using the vacuum is usually called exstrasi vacuum. Vacuum helps provide additional power to remove the baby, and is usually used when labor had lasted too long and the mother was too tired and no longer strong meneran. Way, a tool shaped like a vacuum suction with a rubber cup attached to the baby's head had appeared in the birth canal. After the head was attached to the vacuum cup, made in conjunction with the pull of his / twitching movements. Thus slowly be born baby. After the use of vacuum, usually the baby's head looks a little bump, it is only natural due to vacuum suction, and will go away later. Since the vacuum is done by straining the assistance of the mother, this method is usually not done when the mother is not allowed to push because certain medical conditions (such as pregnancy or poisoning suffered severe asthma).

Disturbance In Childbirth Process
Although generally normal, sometimes there are obstacles to meet delivery / disorders. Disruption during the birth process is often found distosia, placental disruption expenses, and injuries in the birth canal.
Distosia (difficult childbirth)
Distosia or difficult deliveries and could not continue to result from the inadequacy of his mother's strength, abnormal fetal position (eg breech), the fetus is too large, or the mother's birth canal defects (such as the pelvis is too narrow). Usually the doctor will try to help with the vacuum, pliers, or fault.

Placental disruption expenses
If distosia happens in labor 1 and 2, then the new placental disruption occurs expenditures stage 3. Although arises when the baby is born, this disorder can not be taken lightly. Disturbances in placental expenses (such as the placenta does not come out perfect, or bleeding after the placenta came out too much) can cause postpartum bleeding (P3) is known as one of the causes of maternal death most often. Because of that, the doctors and midwives had been watching a new mother who gave birth to it carefully, so that these problems do not occur. Placental disorders such as expenditure kontrasi uterus is not good enough, regardless of the placenta is only partially or in part in the cavity behind the uterus, or blood clotting disorder due to the mother.

Wound in the birth canal
The wound in the birth canal may arise during the process of birth. For example the vagina (birth canal) had a tear, bruising or swelling; obstetric hematoma (blood clots due to blood vessel injury due to movement of the fetal head during birth, the blood vessel puncture during local anistesi, etc.); tear the cervix, etc.. If it is not known and is left alone, these wounds can also cause bleeding. Once again, doctors and midwives always check whether the wound in stage 3 or 4, so can the handle (stitched, etc.).

Though apparently harmless, in fact these disturbances are not always met. Throughout the pregnancy check enterprising mothers, eating enough nutritious food, enough rest, not smoking / or drinking alcohol / using drugs, will run a normal birth and the mother immediately cradle baby in good health and happiness.

Stage labor

Stage labor

Stage 1: a phase of maturation / dilation of the cervix
Early stage of labor begins once the existing pambukaan cervix (known from the examination by a doctor or midwife) from HIS. His or painful uterine contractions in labor is slowly growing pains and frequently, and longer. Since the opening of 0 cm to 3cm, generally pesalinan still running slow (could be up to 8 hours), so this period is also called the latent phase. After that until the full opening usually go faster. Overall this phase lasted until the full opening is achieved (approximately 10 cm), and then entered the stage of labor 2. This stage usually go on longer on the birth of first child (can be up to 20 hours) than the next child's birth.

Today, his is very strong, more often, and longer than before. Mom will feel the need very strong twitch and no longer can be held. Your doctor or midwife will begin to lead meneran mother. Way, the mother lies on her back in a position atu tilted sideways, his arms embracing his knees folded, Kapala and eyes looked toward the abdomen. With the emergence of his mother meneran / push flat-out, and stop / rest during his stop. With this tightened labor, fetal slowly pushed out of the womb until the head started to look at the mouth of the birth canal. Sometimes, in order to become more fluent delivery, doctors need to do opisiotomi (widen the birth canal by way of cut). Slowly push the energy along the mother, the head of the fetus will be born, which was immediately followed by the body and limbs. After all born, the umbilical cord will be cut. After that, the baby immediately dried and warmed, and examined (respiratory, skin color, heart rate, crying and movement) to ensure healthy babies.

Stage 3: Placental spending phase
5-15 minutes after the baby is born, the uterus will contract (feels sick). This pain usually indicates perlekatannya abruptio placenta from the uterus. This is usually accompanied Perlepasan new bleeding. After that, the placenta will come out (was born) through the birth canal, either automatically or with the help of your doctor or midwife. After that the placenta will be checked to ensure it was born full (if there is placental tissue is left in the uterus, bleeding can occur).

After delivery is complete and the placenta was born, the mother is usually still resting in the delivery room until 1 hour after birth. Point that a doctor or midwife can monitor the mother's condition so that no complications arise such as postpartum hemorrhage.

Prenatal examination

Prenatal examination

Before and during labor, the mother should be accompanied by a doctor or an experienced midwife. Thus all stages of labor can be passed safely and all the problems of bias arising quickly recognized and treated.

At the onset of labor is usually the mother will be guided to the delivery room and there made preparations such as urinating / large for the birth process more smoothly. After that the doctor will perform some routine tests, like checking the mother's abdomen to determine fetal position, uterine contractions force observation (his) with a street feel the top of the uterus (approximately above the navel), and the baby's heartbeat observation tools such as binoculars through which affixed to the mother's abdomen (called a tool laennec) or electronically using the Doppler. Do not forget to check the doctor to find out the condition of the opening of the cervix, had pecahkah membranes, the position of the birth mother (if possible to do a normal delivery). After all the tests done and found no abnormalities, the mother is left to rest, could he lay (usually recommended sloping sides which lie back of the fetus is so much faster delivery, and prevent the suppression of blood vessels in the abdomen of the mother by the fetus that can disrupt blood flow) from time to time doctor / midwife will repeat the above examination that the complete opening and it was time delivery. Remember, before the full opening (which will be revealed by a midwife with signaled start meneran) PROHIBITED mother straining / meneran.

Recognizing the signs of the birth of baby

Recognizing the signs of the birth of baby
Common perception is generally equated with the beginning of the birth pains of childbirth. But sometimes the pain was not immediately appear, although the birth process has begun, so please note the signs of other labor is mainly found between the capillary and the shift of the membranes in the uterine wall.
  • out mucus mixed with blood from the birth canal, This mucus discharge occurs due to the release of mucus clots during pregnancy accumulate around the cervix, followed by the opening of the blood vessels
  • depletion and cervical pendataran, (can only be known through examination by a doctor or midwife). Cervix will open up to 10 cm, at the time the fetus can usually be born.
  • spontaneous rupture, amniotic fluid followed by a clear and smells a little fishy. Mother may feel like a sudden wetting, if the membranes have ruptured at once hospital / midwife. If left too long feared possible harmful infections both mother and fetus.